Thursday, June 3, 2010

The beginning of a beautiful friendship...

current location: madison, wi
time: 9:30 a.m.
date: 6/3/10

Yes, I know. Not the most original title (though more appropriate syllable-wise, Matt Laeur) but fitting for my upcoming world travels. In exactly 3 weeks I'll be leaving the good ol' US of A for Norway. Indeed, crossing the Atlantic, hopefully missing those pesky ash clouds from Iceland, and arriving in Oslo for a month and a half of classes. Though I'm not on the run, ala our friend Carmen, I hope to follow her and a long line of bad-ass women doing what they want- Bonnie of Bonnie and Clyde fame, Katherine the Great (minus the bit with the horse), J.K. Rowling, Rosa Parks, etc. Right now I'm in the last stages of preparation for leaving my apartment in Madison, my job, and going home to pack. Most of my things were taken back a few weeks ago, so now I am living in what I alternately describe as "zen and simplistic surroundings" and as "a hobo-squatter in my own home with just my mattress, guitar, and a box of clothes". On the up side, however, I have been hitting the library hard; in the past week I've seen I Heart Huckabees, Up in the Air, Arrested Development Season 2, and read Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte and Black Hills. And on a completely unrelated note: things to expect from this blog...
  1. Lists- My life is not complete with out them, and therefore, my fanbase of two will be subjected to an endless stream of lists.
  2. Food talk- Traveling = new food = over-the-top descriptions by someone who spends entirely too much time at their local farmer's market.
  3. Self indulgent rants- Yep.
  4. Endless pop culture/old movie/historical/mythological/random fact references.
  5. Way too much information about school- ask my roommate; once I start, it never ends.
Thank you for tuning in! Next time I hope to have some pictures up and be more ready for departure.