Saturday, October 16, 2010


I wanted to do more of a photo journal for my past weekend's visit to Oxapampa. Oxapampa is a small town located in Peru's central rain forest, and this weekend it was the host of Selvamanos, a music festival. A quick synopsis of events: arrive in La Merced after a 10 hour, over-night bus ride, take a taxi to Oxapampa making a side trip at a small indigenous village and a waterfall, eat a hugely satisfying meal, wander about town, sleep, chill out, drink a wee bit too much, eat a delicious papa rellena, attend the concerts, sleep, take taxi back to La Merced, realize we as a group are completely broke, take return bus to Lima, sleeeeeeepppppppp. It was a fun weekend, but I'm getting a little tired just thinking about it. Enjoy the pics!