Thursday, August 5, 2010

3 continents, 3 days (ish)

What a whirlwind this week has been, and it's not over yet! In T minus 5 hours I will be leaving the land of Ibsen and Munch for the exotic land of Rochester, Minnesota. 6 weeks was hardly enough to experience everything Oslo had to offer, and the thought of leaving is very hard to face. Most of my goodbyes have been said, and I will miss the incredible people I have met here. Each day was an exploration of new perspectives and an exercise in bonding with people who have very diverse backgrounds. Coming to the International Summer School was probably one of the best decisions of my (albeit fairly short) life thus far. The highlights of my trip have been...
  • Weekend rafting trip in Jutenheimen National Park- probably the best pair of days I have ever experienced
  • My much lauded bicycle tour through Copenhagen
  • Coordinating the kitchens for the International Cultural Evening and later being complimented by the ever skeptical house father who had been giving me preliminary talking to's because he expected the kitchens would be a disaster
  • Finishing a 10 page paper about gender equality policies in the Nordic countries in 3 days
  • Exploring Oslo every day
  • Running into my professor around midnight downtown on a Thursday night and having him call me out on it during class the next day... woops!
The next days will be hectic but I'm really looking forward to seeing people at home. Unfortunately, I will miss some of the people I most want to talk to, but I am going to try to fit in as much time with my siblings as possible.

Saturday is the big departure day for me- Peru. Arriving on Sunday will allow me a few days to become comfortable with my surroundings. However, four months is a long time. It will be scary and I have my fair share of doubts, but I looking forward to my time there. My next post will be coming from South America. Wish me luck!!!

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